jeudi 19 novembre 2009

Big events in the civil war

The Compromise of 1850 plus the Fugitive Slave Act
After the Missouri Comprimise America had new lands . They had to decid if they were going to allow slavery in that part of the land or if it was going to be forbidden, or if they were going to let people decide. Also california grew a lot since the gold rush and the question to maintain the slavery came up because california wated to be a free state but it would diss balance the states.To keep the balance they would probably disagree. Texas wated its terrietorie to expand to santa fe. Finally washington the capital allowed slavery and it was the biggest slave market. then the Compromise of 1850 came up : fugitizes did not have the right to tral and citizens had to help slaves.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
This act allowed the people who lived in the Kansas and the nebraska state to decide wether thay wanted slavery within their bounderies.
The Election of 1860 Brings Abraham Lincoln to the White House

Slavery was becoming a big problem and when Abraham Lincon was elected the people that disagreed rebeled and tha lead up to a civil war.

1 commentaire:

  1. I can see that you are doing some of your blog posts. Good but I don't see the one on what you learned from the Civil War videos.
